The weaker your teeth are, the higher your risk of experiencing tooth decay and other dental problems. Fluoride, a natural mineral, can protect you from tooth decay by strengthening weakened teeth.
At Pike & Valega, DDS, we encourage patients of all ages to consider fluoride treatments. Learn more about how fluoride strengthens teeth and see how you could benefit from getting fluoride treatments during your next visit to our Poolesville dental office or Rockville dental office.
Fluoride Rebuilds Weakened Teeth
Your teeth have a thick, strong, white coating, known as enamel, that protects them from damage. Even though enamel is the strongest material in your body, it can still weaken.
Weakened enamel increases your risk of experiencing tooth decay and cavities.
You can strengthen your teeth through a process known as tooth remineralization.
Tooth remineralization restores enamel’s lost minerals, usually calcium and phosphate. Fluoride brings calcium and phosphate directly to the enamel, speeding up the regrowth process.
Examples of Fluoride Treatments
Pike & Valega, DDS offers patients several options for fluoride treatments. Fluoride treatments that are available at both our Poolesville dental office and Rockville dental office include:
- In-office fluoride varnish – A thin fluoride varnish is applied directly to the surface of the teeth.
- Prescription-strength mouthwashes and toothpastes -These toothpastes and mouthwashes contain higher levels of fluoride than those products you can purchase in the store.
- Fluoride tablets or vitamins
Who Should Consider Getting Fluoride Treatments?
It used to be thought that only children needed to get fluoride treatments. However, it has been discovered that adults can benefit from fluoride treatments, too.
It is especially important to get regular fluoride treatments if you have a high risk of developing tooth decay or gum disease.
If you experience any of the following, you may be at risk for tooth decay:
- Dry mouth
- Gum recession
- Previously underwent dental treatment that included fillings, crowns or bridges
- Poor oral hygiene
- History of smoking
- Undergoing certain medical treatments, such as chemo or radiation, or taking specific medications
Our dental team at Pike & Valega, DDS can assess your risk for tooth decay and help you determine if you could benefit from fluoride treatments.
Where Your Water Comes From Could Determine the Need for Additional Fluoride Treatments
Additional fluoride treatments may be needed depending upon the source of your drinking water. If you live in an area that adds supplemental fluoride to the water supply, there’s a good chance that you are naturally getting enough fluoride just by drinking the water and may only need to have an occasional fluoride varnish applied to your teeth.
Drinking water from a series of wells often does not contain additional fluoride. Depending upon the type, bottled water may also not contain additional fluoride. If your drinking water does not contain added fluoride, you should consider taking fluoride vitamins or using a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash.
Many of our patients reside in or around Poolesville, MD, where water comes from a series of wells. This means no additional fluoride has been added to the water. We encourage you to speak with Dr. D. Timothy Pike or Dr. Margaret A. Valega about adding fluoride vitamins or prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash to your daily routine. Drs. Pike & Valega routinely write prescriptions for fluoride vitamins for children until age 16.
Contact Us To Learn More About Fluoride Treatments
Think you may benefit from fluoride treatments? Call our Poolesville dental office or Rockville dental office to schedule an appointment to speak with us about fluoride treatments. You can also ask us about fluoride treatments during your next scheduled dental exam.